How to Change Touch Screen Sensitivity on Android and iPhone

In the era of smartphones and touch screen devices, the touch screen sensitivity plays a crucial role in the overall user experience. Whether you have an Android device or an iPhone, being able to adjust the touchscreen sensitivity can greatly impact how you interact with your device. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the steps required to change touchscreen sensitivity on both Android and iPhone devices. We will cover various methods and considerations to help you optimize your touch screen experience according to your preferences.

Understanding Touch Screen Sensitivity

Before we dive into the methods of adjusting touch screen sensitivity, it’s essential to understand what it actually entails. Touch screen sensitivity refers to the responsiveness of your device’s screen to touch input. A higher sensitivity means that the screen will react to even the lightest touch, while lower sensitivity requires a slightly firmer touch to register input. The optimal sensitivity level varies from person to person, and it’s important to find the right balance for your usage style.

Changing Touch Screen Sensitivity on Android Devices

Android devices come with a diverse range of manufacturers and models, which means that the steps to adjust touch screen sensitivity might vary slightly between devices. However, the general process remains quite similar. Here’s how you can change touch screen sensitivity on Android devices:

Method 1: Through System Settings

  1. Unlock your device: Begin by unlocking your Android device and navigating to the home screen.
  2. Access Settings: Swipe down from the top of the screen to reveal the notification shade, and then tap on the gear-shaped icon to access the Settings menu.
  3. Find Display Settings: Scroll through the settings options and locate “Display” or “Display & Sound.” Tap on it to enter the display settings.
  4. Adjust Touch Sensitivity: Depending on your device, you might find an option called “Touch Sensitivity” or something similar. Toggle this option to increase or decrease the touch sensitivity according to your preference.
  5. Test and Save: After making the adjustments, test the touch screen to see if the sensitivity suits your liking. If not, return to the settings and make further changes until you find the optimal level. Don’t forget to save your changes.

Method 2: Using Developer Options

  1. Enable Developer Options: If you’re comfortable with advanced settings, you can enable the Developer Options on your Android device. Go to Settings > About Phone, then tap on the “Build Number” multiple times until you see a message confirming that Developer Options are enabled.
  2. Access Developer Options: Once Developer Options are enabled, go back to the main Settings menu and find “System” or “Additional Settings.” Within this section, you should now see “Developer Options.”
  3. Adjust Pointer Speed: Within Developer Options, look for “Pointer Speed” or “Touch Sensitivity.” This option allows you to fine-tune the touch screen sensitivity. Adjust the slider to your desired level.
  4. Experiment and Apply: Try using your device with the new sensitivity setting. If it feels better, great! If not, you can always return to the Developer Options and make further adjustments.

Changing Touch Screen Sensitivity on iPhones

Apple’s iPhones also offer users the ability to adjust touch screen sensitivity, though the process is relatively straightforward and consistent across different iPhone models. Here’s how you can change touch screen sensitivity on an iPhone:

Method 1: Through Accessibility Settings

  1. Unlock your iPhone: Begin by unlocking your iPhone and reaching the home screen.
  2. Access Settings: Locate and tap on the “Settings” app, which is represented by a gear icon.
  3. Go to Accessibility: Scroll down and find the “Accessibility” option. Tap on it to access a wide range of accessibility-related settings.
  4. Touch Settings: Within the Accessibility settings, locate and tap on “Touch,” which might also be labeled as “Touch Accommodations” depending on your iOS version.
  5. Adjust Touch Sensitivity: You’ll find a slider labeled “Touch Sensitivity.” Slide it towards “Light” to increase sensitivity or towards “Firm” to decrease sensitivity. A brief explanation of the effects of each setting will be provided on the screen.
  6. Test and Confirm: Test the new sensitivity setting by using your iPhone. If you’re satisfied with the changes, you can exit the settings. If not, return to the Touch settings and readjust the slider.

Method 2: Using AssistiveTouch (iOS 14 and later)

  1. Open Settings: Unlock your iPhone and go to the home screen. Locate and tap on the “Settings” app.
  2. Access Accessibility: Within the Settings menu, find “Accessibility” and tap on it.
  3. Enable AssistiveTouch: Under the “Touch” section, you’ll find “AssistiveTouch.” Toggle the switch to enable it. This feature creates a virtual on-screen touchpad that can be customized.
  4. Customize AssistiveTouch: After enabling AssistiveTouch, you can tap on “Customize Top Level Menu” to add or remove functions from the virtual touchpad. You can also adjust the sensitivity of the virtual touchpad by tapping on “Pointer Devices” and selecting your desired level.
  5. Apply Changes: Once you’ve customized the AssistiveTouch settings, use the virtual touchpad to navigate your device. If the sensitivity feels right, you’re all set. If not, you can return to the settings and fine-tune it further.

Considerations and Tips

  • Personal Preference: The ideal touch screen sensitivity varies from person to person. Some prefer a light touch, while others feel more comfortable with a firmer touch. Experiment with different settings to find what works best for you.
  • Impact on Battery Life: Keep in mind that higher touch screen sensitivity might lead to slightly increased battery consumption, as the device needs to constantly monitor for touch input. However, the difference in battery usage is usually negligible.
  • Balance: Striking the right balance between sensitivity and accidental touches is crucial. If the sensitivity is set too high, you might experience unintended actions. Conversely, if it’s too low, you might find it frustrating to use the device.
  • Regular Checks: As you adapt to a new sensitivity setting, periodically revisit the settings to ensure that it still meets your needs. Over time, your preference might change, and it’s important to keep your device’s settings aligned with your comfort.
  • Software Updates: Be aware that software updates from manufacturers might bring changes to the touch screen sensitivity settings or options. Keep an eye on updates and recheck your settings if needed after an update.


Touch screen sensitivity is a crucial aspect of the smartphone experience, influencing how we interact with our devices on a daily basis. Whether you’re an Android enthusiast or an iPhone aficionado, the ability to adjust touch screen sensitivity empowers you to customize your device to your liking. By following the methods outlined in this guide, you can easily fine-tune the touch sensitivity on your device, enhancing your overall usability and comfort. Remember that finding the right balance might require some trial and error, but the result is a more personalized and enjoyable touch screen experience.

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