How to Block and Delete Messages on iPhone

In the digital age, messaging has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, there are times when you might want to block or delete messages on your iPhone for various reasons, such as avoiding unwanted messages or maintaining privacy. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of blocking and deleting messages on your iPhone, providing step-by-step instructions and insights into the benefits of these actions.

Blocking Messages on iPhone

Why Block Messages?

Blocking messages on your iPhone can be a valuable tool in maintaining your peace of mind and controlling your digital interactions. By blocking specific contacts or unknown senders, you can avoid receiving messages that are spammy, harassing, or simply unwanted. Blocking can also help you create a safer online environment, especially for younger iPhone users.

Blocking a Contact

  1. Open the Messages App: Launch the Messages app on your iPhone.
  2. Select the Conversation: Find the conversation of the contact you want to block.
  3. Tap the Contact: Tap the contact’s name or number at the top of the conversation.
  4. Scroll Down and Tap “Block this Caller”: Scroll down in the contact details and tap “Block this Caller.”
  5. Confirm: A pop-up will appear, confirming that you want to block the contact. Confirm by tapping “Block Contact.”

Blocking Unknown Senders

  1. Open Message Settings: Go to “Settings” on your iPhone and scroll down to “Messages.”
  2. Filter Unknown Senders: Toggle on the “Filter Unknown Senders” option. This will automatically move messages from unknown senders to a separate list.

Blocking in Group Messages

  1. Open Group Conversation: In the Messages app, open the group conversation that contains the person you want to block.
  2. Tap on Contact’s Name: Tap on the name of the contact you wish to block.
  3. Select “Info”: Scroll down and tap on “Info.”
  4. Scroll Down and Tap “Block this Caller”: Scroll down in the contact details and tap “Block this Caller.”
  5. Confirm: Confirm the action by tapping “Block Contact.”

Deleting Messages on iPhone

Why Delete Messages?

Over time, your Messages app can become cluttered with conversations and media, taking up valuable storage space. Deleting messages not only helps you free up space but also improves the organization of your message threads.

Deleting Individual Messages

  1. Open Messages App: Launch the Messages app.
  2. Select Conversation: Choose the conversation containing the message you want to delete.
  3. Swipe Left: Swipe left on the message you want to delete.
  4. Tap “Delete”: Tap the “Delete” button that appears.

Deleting Multiple Messages

  1. Open Messages App: Launch the Messages app.
  2. Select Conversation: Choose the conversation containing the messages you want to delete.
  3. Tap “See All Photos”: If you’re trying to delete multiple media messages, tap “See All Photos” to view all media in the conversation.
  4. Tap and Hold: Tap and hold a message bubble, then tap “More” to enter selection mode.
  5. Select Messages: Tap on each message or media item you want to delete.
  6. Tap the Trash Bin Icon: Tap the trash bin icon at the bottom left corner.
  7. Confirm Deletion: Confirm the deletion by tapping “Delete [X] Messages.”

Automatically Deleting Messages

  1. Message Settings: In the “Settings” app, scroll down and tap “Messages.”
  2. Message History: Under the “Message History” section, tap on “Keep Messages.”
  3. Choose Duration: Select the duration after which you want your messages to be automatically deleted (30 Days or 1 Year).
  4. Confirm: A pop-up will appear. Confirm your selection by tapping “Delete.”

Managing Message Settings

Customizing Notifications

  1. Open Settings: Go to “Settings” and select “Notifications.”
  2. Messages Notifications: Scroll down and tap on “Messages.”
  3. Customize Alerts: Here, you can customize how you receive notifications for messages, including sounds, banners, and app icon badges.

Filtering Unknown Senders

As mentioned earlier, you can filter unknown senders by going to “Settings” > “Messages” and toggling on “Filter Unknown Senders.” This keeps messages from unknown contacts in a separate list.

Archiving Messages

At this time, iOS doesn’t offer a built-in archiving feature for messages, unlike some email platforms. However, you can create a “Saved” folder or label in your messages to manually organize important conversations. Simply create a new conversation and label it as “Saved” or something similar.

Privacy Considerations

While blocking and deleting messages can help you manage your digital interactions, it’s important to remember that the messages you send and receive can still be accessible to others in certain circumstances. For instance, messages can be saved in iCloud backups unless you choose to exclude them. Moreover, if your iPhone is part of a family sharing group, the organizer can enable a feature that allows them to see your messages.

Additionally, blocked contacts may still be able to leave voicemails, and notifications from blocked numbers might still appear in your voicemail tab. It’s a good practice to regularly review your blocked contacts and adjust your settings as needed.


Effectively managing your messages on your iPhone is essential for maintaining digital hygiene, privacy, and organization. Whether you’re blocking unwanted contacts, deleting clutter, or customizing your message settings, these actions empower you to curate your digital communication experience. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can take full control of your iPhone’s Messages app, ensuring that it remains a tool for efficient and positive interactions.

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