How to Use Shortcuts With a Stream Deck On Mac

Shortcuts can greatly enhance productivity by automating repetitive tasks on your Mac. One powerful tool that can streamline your workflow is the Stream Deck, a customizable control panel with buttons that can be programmed to execute various actions. In this article, we will guide you through the process of using shortcuts with a Stream Deck on your Mac, enabling you to boost your efficiency and save valuable time.

H2: Setting Up the Stream Deck

Before we delve into creating shortcuts, let’s first ensure that your Stream Deck is properly set up on your Mac. Follow these steps:

  1. Connect the Stream Deck to your Mac using the provided USB cable.
  2. Visit the Elgato website elgato com and download and install the Stream Deck software.
  3. Launch the Stream Deck application once the installation is complete.
  4. The software will automatically detect your Stream Deck, and you should see a panel displaying the available buttons.

With the Stream Deck set up, you are now ready to create and utilize shortcuts.

H2: Creating Shortcuts

Shortcuts on a Stream Deck can be programmed to execute a wide range of actions, including opening applications, running scripts, triggering keyboard shortcuts, and more. To create shortcuts, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Stream Deck application on your Mac.
  2. Click on an empty button on the Stream Deck panel.
  3. In the Actions tab of the button properties, click on “Add Action.”
  4. Select the type of action you want the button to perform. For example, if you want to open an application, choose “Open” and browse for the desired application.
  5. Customize the button’s appearance and label according to your preference.
  6. Repeat these steps for each button and action you want to create.

H3: Assigning Keyboard Shortcuts

In addition to executing specific actions, you can assign keyboard shortcuts to Stream Deck buttons, further expanding their capabilities. To assign a keyboard shortcut to a button, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Stream Deck application on your Mac.
  2. Select the button to which you want to assign a keyboard shortcut.
  3. In the Actions tab of the button properties, click on “Add Action.”
  4. Choose “Keystroke” as the action type.
  5. Enter the desired keyboard shortcut in the provided text field.
  6. Customize the button’s appearance and label as desired.

With keyboard shortcuts assigned to your Stream Deck buttons, you can easily trigger complex sequences of keystrokes with a single press.

H3: Organizing and Managing Shortcuts

As you create more shortcuts on your Stream Deck, it’s important to organize them effectively for easy access. Here are some tips for managing your shortcuts:

  1. Create folders: Group related shortcuts into folders to keep your Stream Deck panel organized. Right-click on the Stream Deck panel and select “New Folder” to create folders.
  2. Use icons: Customize shortcut icons to quickly identify their corresponding actions. Right-click on a button, select “Set Icon,” and choose an image or browse for a custom icon.
  3. Utilize multiple profiles: Stream Deck allows you to create multiple profiles, each with its own set of buttons and actions. Use profiles to categorize shortcuts based on different workflows or applications.

By implementing these organizational techniques, you can optimize the efficiency of your Stream Deck and find your shortcuts easily.


Using shortcuts with a Stream Deck on your Mac can significantly enhance your productivity by automating repetitive tasks and reducing manual effort. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up your Stream Deck, create shortcuts, assign keyboard shortcuts, and organize them effectively. Take advantage of this powerful tool to streamline your workflow and save valuable time, allowing you to focus on more important aspects of your work.

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