How to Set App Limits on Android

In today’s digital age, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. They offer countless apps and services that cater to our entertainment, productivity, and communication needs. However, it’s easy to get carried away and spend excessive time on certain apps, leading to reduced productivity and potential addiction. To address this issue, Android provides a feature called “App Limits” that allows users to set restrictions on their app usage. In this article, we will explore how to set app limits on Android and regain control over your smartphone usage.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding App Limits
  2. Step-by-Step Guide: Setting App Limits on Android
    • 2.1. Enabling Digital Wellbeing
    • 2.2. Setting App Limits
    • 2.3. Customizing App Limits
    • 2.4. Managing App Limits
  3. App Limits Best Practices
  4. Conclusion

Understanding App Limits

App Limits is a feature introduced in Android’s Digital Wellbeing suite, designed to help users manage their screen time effectively. It allows you to set a specific time limit for individual apps or app categories. Once the time limit is reached, Android will notify you that your allocated time for that app has expired, encouraging you to take a break or switch to more productive activities.

Setting app limits can be particularly useful for individuals who struggle with excessive social media usage, gaming addiction, or any other app that tends to consume a significant amount of their time. By implementing app limits, you can regain control over your smartphone usage and allocate your time more mindfully.

Step-by-Step Guide: Setting App Limits on Android

Setting app limits on Android is a straightforward process. Follow the steps below to get started:

Enabling Digital Wellbeing

To begin, ensure that your Android device has the Digital Wellbeing feature enabled. Digital Wellbeing comes pre-installed on most newer Android versions, but if you can’t find it, you can download it from the Google Play Store.

Here’s how to enable Digital Wellbeing:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device.
  2. Scroll down and locate “Digital Wellbeing & parental controls.”
  3. Tap on it to access the Digital Wellbeing settings.
  4. If it’s your first time using Digital Wellbeing, you may need to set it up by following the on-screen instructions.

Setting App Limits

Now that you have Digital Wellbeing enabled, follow these steps to set app limits:

  1. Open the Digital Wellbeing app from your app drawer or access it through the Settings app.
  2. On the main screen, you’ll see an overview of your app usage statistics.
  3. Scroll down and locate the “Your apps” section.
  4. Tap on “See all activity” to view detailed usage data for each app.
  5. Select the app for which you want to set a time limit.
  6. Tap on the app’s icon to access its usage details.
  7. On the app’s page, you’ll find options like “App Timer” or “Set daily time limit.”
  8. Tap on the relevant option and set the desired time limit for the app.

Customizing App Limits

Android provides customization options to tailor app limits according to your preferences. You can set different time limits for different apps, create schedules for app usage, and even grant yourself extra time when needed. Here’s how you can customize app limits:

  1. Open the Digital Wellbeing app on your Android device.
  2. Scroll down and find the “Your apps” section.
  3. Tap on “See all activity” to view your app usage.
  4. Select the app for which you want to customize the time limit.
  5. Tap on the app’s icon to access its usage details.
  6. On the app’s page, you’ll find options like “App Timer” or “Set daily time limit.”
  7. Tap on the relevant option to modify the time limit.
  8. Adjust the time limit according to your preference.
  9. Additionally, you can set a schedule for the app usage by tapping on “Set schedule” or “Customize days.”

Managing App Limits

Once you have set app limits, it’s essential to know how to manage and monitor them effectively. Android provides several features to help you stay on top of your app usage. Here are some management options:

  1. Open the Digital Wellbeing app on your Android device.
  2. Scroll down and find the “Your apps” section.
  3. Tap on “See all activity” to view your app usage.
  4. You’ll see a list of all your apps and their respective time usage.
  5. To manage your app limits, tap on “Manage your time.”
  6. Here, you can adjust the time limits for individual apps or app categories.
  7. If you want to temporarily disable app limits, you can tap on “Pause app timers.”
  8. To remove app limits entirely, tap on “Delete app timer” or “Remove timer.”

App Limits Best Practices

While app limits are a valuable tool for managing your smartphone usage, it’s important to establish some best practices for optimal results. Here are a few tips to make the most out of app limits:

  • Set realistic time limits: Ensure that the time limits you set for your apps are realistic and align with your goals and priorities. Setting unattainable limits may lead to frustration and may not effectively address your usage concerns.
  • Experiment and adjust: Finding the right balance can take some trial and error. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different time limits and adjust them based on your needs and progress.
  • Focus on essential apps: Identify the apps that genuinely add value to your life and allocate more time to them. Consider reducing or eliminating the time spent on apps that are not productive or contribute to excessive screen time.
  • Take breaks and engage in offline activities: App limits are meant to encourage a healthy digital lifestyle. Use the extra time gained from reduced app usage to engage in offline activities, pursue hobbies, spend time with loved ones, or focus on self-improvement.


With the increasing prevalence of smartphones in our daily lives, it’s crucial to establish healthy habits and boundaries when it comes to app usage. Android’s App Limits feature, part of the Digital Wellbeing suite, provides a practical solution to manage and regulate your app usage effectively. By following the step-by-step guide and implementing the best practices mentioned in this article, you can regain control over your smartphone usage, boost productivity, and cultivate a healthier relationship with technology. Remember, moderation is key, and finding the right balance will lead to a more fulfilling and balanced lifestyle.

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