How to Mute Someone in FaceTime on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

FaceTime is a popular video and audio calling service offered by Apple that allows users to connect with friends, family, and colleagues from anywhere in the world. While FaceTime provides a seamless communication experience, there are situations when you might want to mute someone during a call. Whether it’s to avoid background noise or have a private conversation, muting someone can be a useful feature. In this article, we will explore how to mute someone in FaceTime on iPhone, iPad, and Mac, enabling you to have more control over your calls.

I. Muting Someone in FaceTime on iPhone

FaceTime on iPhone provides an intuitive interface that makes muting someone during a call a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Start a FaceTime call: Open the FaceTime app on your iPhone and initiate a call with the person you wish to communicate with.
  2. Access call controls: Once the call is connected, you’ll see various call controls on your screen. These include options like switching cameras, enabling or disabling video, and adjusting the volume.
  3. Locate the mute button: Look for the microphone icon, which represents the mute button. It is usually located at the bottom-left corner of the screen.
  4. Tap the mute button: To mute the other person, simply tap on the microphone icon. This will disable their audio, preventing any sound from their end during the call.
  5. Unmute the person: If you want to unmute the person, tap the microphone icon again. This will restore their audio, allowing them to be heard during the call.

II. Muting Someone in FaceTime on iPad

Muting someone in FaceTime on an iPad follows a similar process to the iPhone. Here are the steps to mute someone during a FaceTime call on your iPad:

  1. Initiate a FaceTime call: Launch the FaceTime app on your iPad and start a call with the person you want to mute.
  2. Access the call controls: Once the call is connected, you’ll see various call controls displayed on your screen. These controls include options such as video toggle, camera switching, and volume adjustment.
  3. Locate the mute button: Look for the microphone icon among the call controls. It is generally located at the bottom-left corner of the screen.
  4. Tap the mute button: To mute the other person, tap on the microphone icon. This action will disable their audio, muting them for the duration of the call.
  5. Unmute the person: If you wish to unmute the person, tap the microphone icon again. This will restore their audio, allowing their voice to be heard during the call.

III. Muting Someone in FaceTime on Mac

If you prefer to use FaceTime on your Mac, you can easily mute someone during a call by following these steps:

  1. Initiate a FaceTime call: Open the FaceTime app on your Mac and start a call with the person you want to mute.
  2. Access call controls: Once the call is connected, you’ll find various call controls on your screen. These controls include options such as video toggling, camera selection, and volume adjustment.
  3. Locate the mute button: Look for the microphone icon in the call controls. It is typically situated at the bottom-center of the screen.
  4. Click the mute button: To mute the other person, click on the microphone icon. This will mute their audio, ensuring no sound is transmitted from their end during the call.
  5. Unmute the person: If you decide to unmute the person, click the microphone icon again. This will unmute them, allowing their audio to be heard during the call.


Being able to mute someone in FaceTime on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac can greatly enhance your calling experience, allowing you to manage the audio output during a conversation. Whether you want to reduce background noise or have a private discussion, muting someone is a simple yet effective way to maintain control over your FaceTime calls. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily mute and unmute participants during your FaceTime conversations, ensuring a more seamless and personalized communication experience.

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